A dream vacation might seem forever away, or even impossible, but with a little work you can make it happen!

It starts as a dream. Then, you turn it into a goal and finally it becomes a reality. Probably the biggest roadblock we face towards achieving our travel dreams is a financial one. Of course if we were all millionaires we’d just go wherever we want, whenever we wanted. But since we don’t have that luxury, we have to find creative ways to staying on track and motivated to making our dreams happen.   Because I am a huge fan and advocate of Dave Ramsey and his teachings, I have taken some basic tips from him and applied it to travel planning. Probably the most important concept to remember is that before you start saving for your dream vacation, you should get rid of any debt you might be carrying! Dave’s 7 baby-steps are a great tool to achieving financial freedom. So here’s a few creative ways to help you set your vacay goal and make it happen!

Right now:

Make a dream board. Print out pictures and hang them in your room or start a Pinterest board! Take a look at ours for some inspiration. Each time you see it, remind yourself that the sacrifices you have to make today will be totally worth it in the end!

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Make a plan for financial freedom:

Follow Dave’s 7 Baby Steps. It takes hard work, motivation and constant discipline. Like they say, “nothing in life worth having comes easy.”

Debt free:

Celebrate!! Now it’s time to start saving for your dream vacation.


Budget for your trip. Treat your vacation money just like your monthly income. Decide on a set amount and stick with it by budgeting ahead of time. Don’t forget to consider ALL of your expenses such as food, accommodations  shopping, souvenirs and activities. Start researching all about your destination and stay organized!

Book it!:

Once you have your money saved up and your trip details all planned out, it’s time to book your tickets!! You’ll feel great when you’re able to purchase your tickets with cash and not feel any financial burden. Thats the best way to enjoy your vacation. Remember to do your research and even use a travel agent if needed… we’ve gotten some great deals through agents.

So start dreaming! Think about where you want to go, what you want to do, and WRITE IT DOWN. Get yourself in good financial shape, start saving, and then make it happen! YOU CAN DO IT.